
EU Documents in PNU Library

EU Documentation Center
 : 1st Library, floor 2

The EU Conuments zone holds various publications of EU published by EU secretariat and
other conferences records, yearbooks, statistics and reports published by the United Nations.

Library Hours
Mon~Fri : 09:00-21:00   Sat : 09:00-13:00
Mon~Fri : 09:00-18:00   Sat : Closed

List of Documents

1. Panorama of European business / European Commission, Eurostat.

2. EU energy and transport in figures : statistical pocketbook / European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy and Transport, in co-operation with Eurostat.

3. MISSOC : Social protection in the EU member states and the European economic area.

4. Annual report on human rights / European Union.

5. Monthly panorama of European industry.

6. Panorama of EU industry , Short-term supplement.

7. Panorama of EC industry , Short-term supplement.

8. Bulletin of the European union / ECSC, EEC, [and] EAEC.

9. Panorama of EU industry.

10. European Commission

11. General report on the activities of the European Union / Commission of the European Communities.

12. Nutrition and physical activity : health information sources in EU member states, and activities in the Commission, WHO, and European networks/ edited by Nicole Wolfram ... [et al.].

13. Racism and xenophobia in the EU Member States: trends, developments and good practice : EUMC annual report 2005 : part 2.

14. The value of learning: evaluation and impact of education and training : third report on vocational training research in Europe : synthesis report / Pascaline Descy, Manfred Tessaring.

15. New business opportunities for EU companies in the ASEAN area: how to benefit from the AEAN integration : an investor's guidebook.

16. Agriculture and the environment in the EU accession countries: Implications of applying the EU common agricultural policy.

17. Greenhouse gas emission trends and projections in Europe 2003: Tracking progress by the EU and acceding and candidate countries towards achieving their Kyoto Protocol targets.

18. EU productivity and competitiveness : an industry perspective : can Europe resume the catching-up process? / Mary O'Mahony and Bart van Ark, editors.

19. Guide to territorial employment pacts / European Commission.

20. The EU compendium of spatial planning systems and policies : Greece / European Union, Regional Policy.

21. The EU compendium of spatial planning systems and policies : Austria / European Union, Regional Policy.

22. Environmental pressure indicators for the EU : data 1985-98.

23. A Europe of regions and cities : strategies and prospects for EU enlargement.

24. Doing business in Canada: conformity assessment guide fo EU designating authorities, EU conformity assessment bodies [and] European industry.

25. The EU compendium of spatial planning systems and policies : Finland / European Union, Regional Policy.

26. The EU compendium of spatial planning systems and policies : Spain / European Union, Regional Policy.

27. Funding continuing training in small and medium-sized enterprises : discussion and case studies from across the EU / Tommi Pukkinen, Clements Romijn, Sarah Elson-Rogers.

28. Paving the way for EU enlargement : Indicators of transport and environment integration - TERM 2002 / Project managers Ann Dom and Wouter de Ridder ; European Environment Agency.

29. The EU compendium of spatial planning systems and policies : The Netherlands / European Union, Regional Policy and Cohesion.
The EU compendium of spatial planning systems and policies : Germany / European Union, Regional Policy and Cohesion.

30. Position paper on EU noise indicators : a report produced for the European Commission.

31. Proceedings of the EU seminar : status of development and market penetration of clean coal technologies (CCT) for power generation : Duesseldorf 5 and 6 november 1998 / European Commission, Directorate-General Energy.

32. The EU eco-industry's export potential : final report to the Directorate-General for the Environment, September 1999.

33. EU transport in figures : statistical pocket book / European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy and Transport.

34. A Guide to higher education systems and qualifications in the EU and EEA countries.

35. The EU compendium of spatial planning systems and policies : Portugal / European Union, Regional Policy.

36. The EU compendium of spatial planning systems and policies : United Kingdom / European Union, Regional Policy.

37. The EU compendium of spatial planning systems and policies : Belgium / European Union, Regional Policy.

38. The EU compendium of spatial planning systems and policies : Denmark / European Union, Regional Policy.

39. The EU compendium of spatial planning systems and policies : France / European Union, Regional Policy.

40. The EU compendium of spatial planning systems and policies : Italy / European Union, Regional Policy.

41. The EU compendium of spatial planning systems and policies : Ireland / European Union, Regional Policy.

42. The EU compendium of spatial planning systems and policies : Sweden / European Union, Regional Policy.

43. Grants and loans from the European Union : a guide to Community funding.

44. Tourism and the European Union : a practical guide : EU funding, other support, EU policy and tourism / edited by Bates and Wacker SC.

45. Grants and loans from the European Union : a guide to Community funding.

46. Euromosaic : the production and reproduction of the minority language groups of the EU.

47. The regional planning of greater Europe in co-operation with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe : proceedings of a joint conference held in Prague, 16-17 October 1995 / Council of Europe; European Commission.

48. A model for assessing the costs of stressors at national level : socio-economic costs of work stress in two EU member states / Lennart Levi, Per Lunde-Jensen.
